Paper flowers for the day of plant magic
by Irini Perissinaki An invitation arrived at our school from the Technological Institution of Heraklion to participate in “the day of the plant magic”. This event would be carried out on the 21st of May 2017 at the farm of the Institution, to promote good agricultural practices. We gladly accepted the invitation and a small team of seven students and a teacher was formed to produce the “paper flowers” for the exhibition of school creativity. Guided by the book “Marvelous Modular Origami”, very soon we came up with nine impressive flower balls of various colors and shapes. These, together with two labels with pop up bouquet, found their place on a bench inside the agricultural office. After two rainy days, the blue sky seemed bluer on the day of the event and the plants more cheerful. Cheerful was the crowd as well. Little ones and big ones, all with a playful mood to explore the gardens, the rain house cultivations and the laboratories, where they could peek on the microscopes and stereoscopes to see insects and plants in detail. Finally, snacks and refreshments were given to all at the farm restaurant under the sound of sweet songs of a small band. Connection with Mathematics
Each flower ball consists of 12 flowers of 5 petals in a great icosidodecahedron set, as illustrated in the following figure: References
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